Learning to Code Update #3

Learning to Code Update #3

I’ve decided to rename these posts from “Learning C# Update” to “Learning to Code Update”, since I’m not just learning C# anymore. I’ve taken an interest in Python and C, but I’m not learning C at the moment.

I’ve almost finished the fundamentals of C# course, but it’s started to get a little boring near the end, I just want to finish it!

I also took a little interest in web development. I’d gone through a web development course a  few months ago on Udemy, but lost interest near the end. I started it up again from the beginning a few days ago, but I’m more focused on Pyhon and C#.

If you want to get into programming, I’d recommend starting out with Python, I’ve heard it’s a great first language to learn. I’ll hopefully be buying a Udemy course on Python soon, called ‘Automate the Boring Stuff with Python’. I’ll leave some resources that I recommend below.

I finished writing a text encoder in Python around 30 minutes ago. It’s really simple, it just takes the text, and for each character it changes it the the next letter in the alphabet. It’s not very DRY code, (just a bunch of if, elif statements), but it works!

Anyway, that’s all for now! Thanks for reading, (if anyone’s reading this)!

Python Resources:

Python.org – Official Website

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python

Python subreddit

Learning C# Update #2

Tomorrow I’m gonna go back to the Microsoft Virtual Academy course for C#, because the book was okay, but I feel that the course on MVA is a bit better, it is from Microsoft I guess! I’ve made a new account, with my current email address, instead of my old Xbox account.

If anyone is looking into learning C#, I’d say the best bet would be the MVA course. Here it is if you’re interested! C# Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners.

Learning C# Update

Today, I discovered a book called Learn C# in One Day and Learn It Well by Jamie Chan. I’ve bought it, and I’ll be learning C# from there. It will arrive on around Thursday.

I kind of have an OCD when it comes to learning things, especially programming, which is quite bad. When I find a new source to learn from, I go into it like I’ve never learned the subject before, even though I usually know the basics. It’s a weird thing, but it’s something I do.

Hopefully I will grasp a better understanding of C# after reading this book! Reading things usually help you understand, or memorise them better. I’m not really much of a book person though, but this seems very useful!

Anyway, that’s all for today! If anyone out there actually reads this blog, please leave some suggestions in the comments on what I could post about (mainly Esperanto or programming related things), or how I could improve!

First blog post!

So, yeah. I don’t really know what I’m gonna post here, guess I should start by introducing myself and what I’m interested in.

My name is James. I’m interested in many things, one of them is computer programming. I’m learning C# at the moment at Microsoft Virtual Academy. Another thing I’m interested in is music production.

I also started learning a language a few days ago, called Esperanto. It’s supposedly a good language to learn, for someone who hasn’t really learned how to communicate in anything but their native language or anyone who has no experience with other languages. Anyone who’s interested in learning it, here’s some links to get started; it’s really not that hard to learn, I read that you could have a conversation in around 2 weeks of practice!

Links to Esperanto Learning Resources:



Fluent in 3 Months